Our Partners

Our work with African wastepickers
Plastics are valuable, this monetary value creates income opportunities for informal collectors (Wastepickers.) In South Africa, the landfill capacity is fast becoming an impending crisis with only 7.5% of South African’s recycling, we currently have over 90% of waste produced ending up in landfills. Wastepickers scavenge in refuse bins and landfills (illegally), loading their recovered items in makeshift trolleys and bags. They arduously travel many kilometres between suburban areas and industrial areas to sell off their waste at formal and informal buy-back centres. Hauling large amounts of waste to and from source is dangerous, burdensome and causes pathogenic diseases. Wastepickers experience theft, harassment, assault and unfair remuneration for their hard work on a daily basis. Waste pickers saved government R748.8 million in 2014 through their informal recycling services. However, their value is not formerly recognised by the state, our aim is to support all marginalised communities working towards reducing the carbon footprint of mankind.
Working with marginalised communities
Golden Walk township is a high density, poor community surrounded by four (4) squatter camps in Germiston, South Africa. Cash 4 Trash has partnered with PETCO (PET Plastic Recycling South Africa), ARO (African Reclaimers Organisation), Coca-Cola, Unilever etc. on a Wastepicker project to assist the marginalised wastepicker trolley community in their efforts to sort, separate, compact and recycle waste. Our role has contributed to the multi-stakeholder partnership in terms of facilitating educational workshops, training and skills development for the Wastepickers. In addition to this Cash 4 Trash shall provide RVM equipment and Redefine Space for the Wastepickers to utilise as a way to support employment and environmentally friendly practices within the community.

Our Partners
Our Partners in making the world a better place.